
Elevating Nursing Care: Digitalizing the OR Experience


Project Details



Final Solution

View/re-order Items

Northwestern Medicine hospital relies on various manual processes, resulting in time-consuming workarounds to run their facilities efficiently.

Our Northwestern team conducted in-depth research, shadowing, and interviews with NM, ultimately presenting an innovative solution to address a key opportunity: enhancing operating room supply management through the development and commercialization of cutting-edge medical technology.

Let’s picture you’re an operating room nurse. You gather supplies for each procedure and some of this goes to waste. How much of these supplies ends up being wasted?

20%. Which means that US Operation Rooms produce more than 2000 tons of waste per day.

For 6 months, I was exposed to the holistic process of developing and commercializing new medical technology. Our team found significant market opportunities for products and services that help hospitals manage their supply chains and inventories.

We decided to develop a software and hardware solution that originally will be designed for inventory tracking, specifically for common disposable surgical supplies in hospital operating rooms.

Design Goal

Target Users

User Research



Improve the user experience of the nurses, faculties working in hospital, and convert the analogue process to digital experience.



The question of who took an item can help hospitals identify slippage (both intentional and unintentional) of supplies. A California hospital recently reported an average slippage amount of $2 million per year.

By tracking who is taking items, hospitals can spot the causes of supply slippage.

Select Procedure

Make Modifications

User Testing

Main Page

Project Management

Supply Management

DaVenti is a software designed for nurses, enabling them to effortlessly monitor inventory and automate restocking purchases.

With DaVenti, nurses can conveniently choose the upcoming procedure on the schedule and the surgeon responsible for it.

Reviewing items for the upcoming procedure and surgeon based on their preferences enables the nurse to efficiently plan for the turnover.

DaVenti has an easier process of identifying and tracking low stock, then reordering low/unavailable items.

After finalizing the required items within the application, she can initiate the submission, which transfers the information to a smart cabinet located in the primary OR stock room on the floor.

Recording the usage and disposal of items post-procedure enables the system to monitor the utilization of resources and reduce unnecessary waste in subsequent instances.

Sue Kim; Northwestern MS Engineering Design of Innovation

Sam Solvy; Northwestern MBA Kellogg

Nehal Samra; Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine

Timothy Fogliatti; Northwestern MS Engineering

Yannick Schreiber; Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine

I conducted multiple shadowing sessions in the operation rooms, clinics, and emergency rooms within NM and Lurie Children’s Hospital.

In the process, our team found that most hospitals do not employ systems that allow them to track the locations and stock quantities of medical and surgical supplies electronically in real-time.

Hospital ORs may waste $968 of medical supplies a case 3 and current practices for tracking the waste are nurses using pen and paper.

DaVenti provides a platform that will take the recorded waste and automatically adjust recommended item lists in the future based on usage.

For three weeks, I conducted rapid prototype testing sprints, iterating the product layout based on user feedback, then testing it on the next user. In this process, every detail of the product was refined, and the frames were crafted for intuitive use for the OR nurses.

Our Team